nice...very nice
[DONE] Ivan Fillini LiVE @ Discotek IN - 22. May 2009
Yeah it's going to be crazy We will be playing 2 new tracks and lots of other great tracks
How long have you guys got? 30mins?
We have 40 to 60 min.
Oh.. NICE!
Will be one hell of a night
Poor body
Haha, random? x''D
Nope not random...
If it's like the last events ...we will go crazy on the floor for several hours in row = poor body cause it will be very wasted afterwards
Yeah poor us
Just one Katy Perry track every hour so we could chill a little.. i guess that's not gonna happen .. oh what the hell
so sad i cant come ..
Your throat is happy for that
Will be awesome tonight!
F****** Awesome... See You Guys!
it will be so awesome to see you guys for the first time...yeah!!!!
It gives the pure awsomeness to take new pics and videos :eek:
THANK you so much for last night... GREAT PARTY!!!!!
The new Track Italian Rockaz play WAS SO NICE!!! Great Thomas & Mario
Ivan Fillini was really crazy... He play.. take a brake, and play again... he is INSANE!!!!
Yeah it was a very nice show from both Italian Rockaz and Fillini.
Was incredible that he stopped the show went outside for some smokes and some beers and then came back and mixed again - what a surprise!
Besides that he was a very cool DJ too, and thumbs up to IN for moving the DJ deck down to the dancefloor.
:eek: WOW!! Compliments for both Fillini and Italian Rockaz!
Great to listen SicuLand Remix of Il Mio Amore live!! and the new track I Miss You So
The Intro of ivan fillini was crazy "CaSSa CaSSa Dritta, Abraciva Justa, CaSSa CaSSa Dritta" in pure HDS/Molinaro style
also thank to Fillini [and DJ Chris] for giving the CDs, autograph and sticker
Crazy he played for around 3 hours, took a smoking/drinkin/talking/peeing break and then back @ the consolle!
Great night!!
it was a crazy night, a night never will forget(my first event) it could not be better CD's autograph...and like McW sad it was a crazy intro to Ivan Fillini
it was also nice to hear Italian Rockaz and there newest track "I Miss You So" was very nice
thanks guys for ar great party
Pictures are here!
And remember to JOIN the group if you want notifications when someone comments
Here is the first video of 3
Ivan Fillini & Italian Rockaz on Discoteque IN - The Dance Floor
Remember to watch it in HD
Fantastic sound and picture quality compared to Mcw's camera
You should come with us every time to record Rune
haha I might just do that.. but next time I need to bring one more battery.. It was so sad that it ran out of power..
was forced to use my iphone to record short videos
UHHHHH: "I Miss You So"... ROX!!!
and really a great video
Could be great... then I could let loose instead of trying to maintain the camera still
Here is the 2th video of 3
Italian Rockaz Performance on Discoteque IN - The Dance Floor
Remember to watch it in HD
Here is the 3rd video of 3
Ivan Fillini Performance on Discoteque IN - The Dance Floor
Remember to watch it in HD
a little minor detail... it's Rockaz not Rockers
Same night, day and place