WARNING! This is hip-hop/rap, haha!
I like this one . Doesnt it sound a little like "Provenzano Feat. Lizzy B. - Vibe"? Listen to it!
WARNING! This is hip-hop/rap, haha!
I like this one . Doesnt it sound a little like "Provenzano Feat. Lizzy B. - Vibe"? Listen to it!
I can't hear vibe in it uhahuahu
I can't hear Vibe in it, but there's definitely a lot of gayvibes in this video
I hear Vibe as much as I hear vibe in this vid :
uhauhauhuaha RoX
I can't hear Vibe either.. but I can see a lot of silly people wearing silly clothes
You gotta love Lucky's vid though
Haha, I didn't tell you to watch the vid, I told you to listen (a) (The video ruines the whole song)
Start listening at 1:28, thats when you can hear the sound the best. And listen beyond the "We bottle poppin" annoying thingy.
And btw, Lucky. Oh my God.
okay i've been trying listening to Vibe and this video 3 times now.. i still dont get it lol.
Are you one of those who senses things that aren't there dano? :D:D
LMAO the first 25 seconds are nice. Da real niggah stuff yo!
waza broa
waza bra ya kno me bra, it cool bra, I recall butt ya
how's it goin on ovah there with you ya
or something
Well of course I am. But THIS, I am sure of!...
If you have access to the Extended Version of Vibe, start listening at 1:54.
Then start listening to Bottle Poppin' at 1:28.
Keep in mind that the sound [that only I can hear (a)] is faster in bottle poppin than in Vibe.
Cool song I can definitely hear Vibe in it.