Interview with SICULAND
Interview with SICULAND
When and why did you begin to produce music?
We were 13 years old when we started to create the first compositions.
Everything is born because the music is passion for us; We love music, we live for it.
What music styles are you listening to other than what you produce?
We listen all kinds of music styles.
We like experiment with new music styles and mix different kind of music ...
Infact, Our remixes are characterized by sounds typical of our land ... Sicily!
Music is art, not genres, but different cultures ...
Who is/are your favorite artist(s)?
We love Danijay, Gabry Ponte, and we estimate Gigi D'Agostino!
What do you think is the future for Italo Dance music?
We are optimistic! We hope that italodance returns on the record marketing with the same reputation it had before.
According us italodance is not dead, because we have the proofs to the disco, web radio etc...
Fortunately people dance this music as always ... Labels believe that italodance is dead ... but it's not true!
What do you like to do on your spare time?
In spare time, we are normal boys. We leave around our city.
What are your plans for the future? style, project etc.
We wish to bring our music and our sound to all those who love italodance and who love to dance.
We hope that still exist in Italy labels to enhance the project SICULAND and italodance.
What news can you reveal for us about your future productions?
Yes, of course!
We are collaborating with DJ Power (Gianfranco Comis),
(we thank him for availability that he has offered us),
in a new SICULAND REMIX that it will be available in digital release between September and October 2008.
Then we are also collaborating with DJ Leivas, a Spanish producer;
Hugo aka Dj Leivas gave us the opportunity to make a set of 15 minutes to mix playing on RISE FM (Denmark), and soon we'll do a remix with his collaboration.
Real names: We Are Luca Di Bella and Paolo Miceli (Pablo DJ) aka SICULAND! :D
Age: Luca (17), Pablo (18).
nice young guys...I hope they will be great!
Motel Synth George on Facebook
Motel Synth George on SoundCloud
Cool. Italo from Sicily r0x!
Looking forward to hear more from this new project.
To the ones that haven't heard about them... Press this LiNK!
Nice 1nterview.
......&when i listened ( this is my land / siculand remix ) lateR,
I remembered ♥ SICULAND ♥ し hope they will be better . xD∷:p
Never heard of them before.. but nice with new italo projects, sounds promising!
But how do they estimate Gigi D'Agostino?
Vanni G original CD/Vinyl collection count: 114
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good persons

and good producers !!!!!!
good luck siculand!!!!!
Thank youuuu!
We are happy for yours comments..
...Coming soon... a new SicuLand Remix... (Sep-Oct 2008)...
ByeZ IDP !
I SicuLand.