Ex- Italodancers :-S

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Italoco C.A.
Italoco C.A.'s picture
December, 2010
Ex- Italodancers :-S

Hi guys, I found this video and I think it's funny (and disappointing at the same time) Crying


...Tell me whyyyyy you won't love ♫
whyyyy my love
tell me whyyy you won't love
whyyy I don't know, tell me whyyyy... ♪ (Dance, while the record spins)

Würden's picture
September, 2006

It's a nice comparison and good video to have when you need to show someone how they changed style, it's also sad and a little scary..

Sad that the Italians had their own genre and now they just produce whatever the rest of the world produces.


Vanni G original CD/Vinyl collection count: 114

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DeeJay Froggy
DeeJay Froggy's picture
May, 2011

I think that the author focused his attention only to the most famous ones, without even thinking about the dance tracks realised by those producers in the last 2 years:

- Que Pasa (Gabry Ponte)
- U Got The Love (DJ Ross)
- The Riddle (Prezioso & Marvin)

Regarding Molella, he's the only one among them who definitely stopped producing dance music, but only because he's always been a polyhedric artist... he made progressive in the progressive era, eurodance into eurodance times, italodance when it was the domining genre in Italy, and now... well, you'll figure out yourself!!
Very different was the fate of many other artists who disappeared! The most radical one: VANNI G!
In not one year, not one month but in just one WEEK his singles disappeared from stores, then his radio program from M2o, then Hotel Saint George, then Caramel & Nuts, then his whole label Go Dooria, then, at last, him!
For what concerns the rest, I really hope that in the next 5 weeks a new genre, more melodic and faster, will make his entrance in Italy... so I'll finally see people like Christian Marchi and house fans disappear too, with a big smile on my lips!!


Qualcuno ha detto che la musica maranza è morta...... ma la musica maranza è viva!!

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June, 2007

i like cristian marchi

- Que Pasa (Gabry Ponte)
- U Got The Love (DJ Ross)
- The Riddle (Prezioso & Marvin)
house aswell ....

Würden's picture
September, 2006

DeeJay Froggy wrote:
Very different was the fate of many other artists who disappeared! The most radical one: VANNI G! In not one year, not one month but in just one WEEK his singles disappeared from stores, then his radio program from M2o, then Hotel Saint George, then Caramel & Nuts, then his whole label Go Dooria, then, at last, him!

That is only partly true, it's true that those projects were closed, altough Caramel & Nuts was the name prior to HSG and ended when HSG started, they did try to revive HSG later on.
Go Dooria was not Vanni G's label (he was a part of it as A&R though) it was a sub-label of Go Records owned by Provenzano & Promiseland, his own label was and is still Subside Records which is still active.
Vanni G has not disappeared at all, he is very active in the music business and is probably the most prominent producer in all of Italy. It is true that he stopped releasing music under his own name, however, so in that sense you could say that he has disappeared.


Vanni G original CD/Vinyl collection count: 114

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Lucky65's picture
August, 2007

You guys should start thinking that for some people, specially these artists, music became a FULL JOB.
That means, that you need to make money to live with it.

For example, if you were an orange seller. Everything is going well, and suddenly, oranges disappear from the planet.
What will you do? start selling apple? Or try to start growing oranges in the sand?

I have the chance of being into this stuff now, and I understand 100% why the artist went into another style.
sure it's sad for the HARDCORE FANS. But you can't make a living from 200people listening ur music...

DJ Fole
DJ Fole's picture
April, 2011

Funny video xD But I'm not agree for the message of the video.


Page on Facebook

Würden's picture
September, 2006

Lucky65 wrote:
You guys should start thinking that for some people, specially these artists, music became a FULL JOB. That means, that you need to make money to live with it.

For example, if you were an orange seller. Everything is going well, and suddenly, oranges disappear from the planet.
What will you do? start selling apple? Or try to start growing oranges in the sand?

I have the chance of being into this stuff now, and I understand 100% why the artist went into another style.
sure it's sad for the HARDCORE FANS. But you can't make a living from 200people listening ur music...

They could produce both like Hoxygen and DJ Power do..


Vanni G original CD/Vinyl collection count: 114

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DJ Maldestra
DJ Maldestra's picture
March, 2008

CFE wrote:
They could produce both like Hoxygen and DJ Power do..

Yes, but then they couldn't live of it (I presume that Hoxygen and Power aren't living of music only)


Gigi D'Agostino lives:

02/03-2007 The Plaze (Nykøbing Falster, DK)
27/09-2007 Diskotek IN (København, DK)
28/09-2007 Paddy's Club (Horsens, DK)
31/10-2008 Centrale Del Latte (Cremona, IT)
24/07-2009 Altromondo Studios (Rimini, IT)
31/10-2010 Centrale Del Latte (Cremona, IT)
31/12-2011 East Ends Studio (Milano, IT)
01/11-2013 Goldener Pflug (Altenburg, DE)
31/12-2014 Discoteca Le Rotonde (Garlasco, IT)


Dj-Laeske's picture
February, 2008

yeah they could put a italodance remix on their releases, so all could be happy

Heinz's picture
December, 2009

I see more logical the change in style from Italobrothers than the change from Gabry, Molly, Ross, Provenzano...
It misses some song or italodance remix from ItaloBrothers.

I hate house music, but if im in a disco, I prefer to listen Javi Mula house style, or Cristian Marchi, who at least has the structure of kick & bass + hi hats, claps ... somewhat reminiscent to our style.

August, 2009

I can't understand and I never understood why Italodance isnt MEGA POPULAR!!! It is fucking beautiful. And my friends actually also do like the music when they hear it, but they are just no "hardcore fans". This is going on for years now, but we do see new artists coming so that's good Smile. Now it's Dancerocker, Sheby and Hoxygen. What will it be in a year?

Screw house music!

Lucky65's picture
August, 2007

DJ Power is failing really hardcore.
For Hoxygen....things are about to change.
He's an excellent producer, and i've heard some upcoming stuff in house style that is just amazing...

Würden's picture
September, 2006

Lucky65 wrote:
For Hoxygen....things are about to change. He's an excellent producer, and i've heard some upcoming stuff in house style that is just amazing...

Not really, no. He has been producing both styles from the very beginning so there is no change actually.

And Maldestra why wouldn't they be able to make a living if they also produce house music, I don't understand your argument..


Vanni G original CD/Vinyl collection count: 114

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DJ Maldestra
DJ Maldestra's picture
March, 2008

CFE wrote:
Not really, no. He has been producing both styles from the very beginning so there is no change actually.

And Maldestra why wouldn't they be able to make a living if they also produce house music, I don't understand your argument..

I was supporting Luk's argument, I really didn't think that music was the only thing Hoxygen and Power was doing for a living.
How much music has hoxygen released as of now, and how many house tracks? And does he perform live?


Gigi D'Agostino lives:

02/03-2007 The Plaze (Nykøbing Falster, DK)
27/09-2007 Diskotek IN (København, DK)
28/09-2007 Paddy's Club (Horsens, DK)
31/10-2008 Centrale Del Latte (Cremona, IT)
24/07-2009 Altromondo Studios (Rimini, IT)
31/10-2010 Centrale Del Latte (Cremona, IT)
31/12-2011 East Ends Studio (Milano, IT)
01/11-2013 Goldener Pflug (Altenburg, DE)
31/12-2014 Discoteca Le Rotonde (Garlasco, IT)


Würden's picture
September, 2006

I don't know, and I seriously doubt that Hoxygen can make a living out of what he has released so far. I don't know if he performs live and it doesn't really matter either, the point was that even though you need to make a living out of making music, nothing is stopping you from producing both styles, that's why the argument didn't make sense to me.


Vanni G original CD/Vinyl collection count: 114

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DJ Maldestra
DJ Maldestra's picture
March, 2008

I missread what you wrote, thought you implied that Gabry and etc. could live of ONLY italodance released in the "underground" Smile


Gigi D'Agostino lives:

02/03-2007 The Plaze (Nykøbing Falster, DK)
27/09-2007 Diskotek IN (København, DK)
28/09-2007 Paddy's Club (Horsens, DK)
31/10-2008 Centrale Del Latte (Cremona, IT)
24/07-2009 Altromondo Studios (Rimini, IT)
31/10-2010 Centrale Del Latte (Cremona, IT)
31/12-2011 East Ends Studio (Milano, IT)
01/11-2013 Goldener Pflug (Altenburg, DE)
31/12-2014 Discoteca Le Rotonde (Garlasco, IT)


Lucky65's picture
August, 2007

Well what's the best?
Produce a house track that will bring you 200€ and waste time producing an italo mix that will bring you 10..?

DJ Maldestra
DJ Maldestra's picture
March, 2008

It is obvious what we think in here Smile hehe


Gigi D'Agostino lives:

02/03-2007 The Plaze (Nykøbing Falster, DK)
27/09-2007 Diskotek IN (København, DK)
28/09-2007 Paddy's Club (Horsens, DK)
31/10-2008 Centrale Del Latte (Cremona, IT)
24/07-2009 Altromondo Studios (Rimini, IT)
31/10-2010 Centrale Del Latte (Cremona, IT)
31/12-2011 East Ends Studio (Milano, IT)
01/11-2013 Goldener Pflug (Altenburg, DE)
31/12-2014 Discoteca Le Rotonde (Garlasco, IT)


Würden's picture
September, 2006

Lucky65 wrote:
Well what's the best? Produce a house track that will bring you 200€ and waste time producing an italo mix that will bring you 10..?

Look.. I spend hours developing IDP and our new radio and only loose money maintaining the forums etc., I could be trying to develop the new twitter, skype or whatever but I don't really care cause I love doing it and I love the community.
The world is not all black and white dude Wink

The ideal option is to make house and earn 200€ AND make dance too and ALSO make 10€ Wink


Vanni G original CD/Vinyl collection count: 114

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Dj-Laeske's picture
February, 2008

CFE wrote:
The ideal option is to make house and earn 200€ AND make dance too and ALSO make 10€ Wink


Dj Aquacrash
Dj Aquacrash's picture
August, 2006

Italodance is an outdated genre, sad but true...

Like the 90s italodance had to renew ( because of the new and more "modern" / "better" sounds ),
I now think the italo dance sound that became popular approximately 10 years ago, somehow has to renew again, thanks to the "new" sounds used in house + electro songs nowadays (Y)

CFE wrote:
The ideal option is to make house and earn 200€ AND make dance too and ALSO make 10€ Wink

What if they dont have time for it Laughing out loud ?

If they do, it will be the same as producing music with the same sounds which was popular in the middle 90s...
No one does that anymore either...

As i said, i think italodance has to renew ( again )... Im just being realistic...

Würden's picture
September, 2006

Dj Aquacrash wrote:
Italodance is an outdated genre, sad but true...

Like the 90s italodance had to renew ( because of the new and more "modern" / "better" sounds ),
I now think the italo dance sound that became popular approximately 10 years ago, somehow has to renew again, thanks to the "new" sounds used in house + electro songs nowadays (Y)

Italodance is not any more outdated than so many other genres like Jazz, Pop etc. it's just a matter of the support and audience which italo still have. The genre has developed a lot over the past 10 years (don't know what cave you've been living in), the audience has just changed, as Luc argued in another topic. 90s dance did not renew, it developed into multiple genres when studio equipment got better to a point today where improvements no more are substantial.

What if they dont have time for it Laughing out loud ?

As i said, i think italodance has to renew ( again )... Im just being realistic...

Meh.. you can always argue "what if.."
Obviously if something obstructs you from producing both you have a limitation, but that doesn't mean that your limitation limits everyone..
And I disagree regarding that italodance has to be renewed, no, it has already been renewed with new artists producing italo quite different from the 2001-2004 era. Italodance has to find its audience as a niche genre, which I hope and believe this website greatly helps with, hopefully with remixes or equally on singles with other styles too (like ARC does for instance), that way the genre is at least kept alive, see that's realistic Wink


Vanni G original CD/Vinyl collection count: 114

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