Movimentolento - Platinum Edition

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Würden's picture
September, 2006
Movimentolento - Platinum Edition


Genre: Lento Violento
Label: DiverseOndeSonore
Type of media: CD
Bought at:
Reviewed by: Andrea Doerner

Movimentolento Platinum Edition is the 8th CD in the series and was released January 2009. The Platinum Edition features a number of artists who were on prior compilations such as Opera, Don Chisciotte, Woofer, and Krapfen. It also includes a couple of new artists (Time Machine and Beat 2 Beat) and a bonus track by Kartapesta.

Track list:

1. DOS - Control Room
2. Opera - Pulstar
3. Don Chisciotte - Bandolero
4. Woofer - La Differenza
5. DOS - Why Me (Magical Vision)
6. Time Machine - Giddyap A Go Go
7. El Diablo - The Drumma
8. DOS - Memories (Fisamix)
9. Sancho - Caravan's Theme
10. Beat 2 Beat - Make A Wish
11. Krapfen - La Polka
12. DOS pres. Samuel KimKò - Your Love
13. El Diablo - Bidet
14. DOS - Silver Light
Bonus Track: Kartapesta - Fantasia

This CD features a range of different lento styles. Tracks like “La Differenza” and “The Drumma” have a slow tempo combined with a hard, powerful bass; others, such as “Why Me,” “Giddyap A Go Go,” and “Make a Wish” are more melodic and have beautiful vocals. The artists known to us from previous Movimento CDs mostly stick to their style of prior releases; however (with the exception of Woofer) they have their own distinct sounds which differentiate them from the major lento influences of Gigi D'Agostino and Luca Noise.

Two of the tracks make usage of prior released music. “Pulstar” was originally composed by Vangelis in 1976. Opera’s version keeps true to the original except for some added bass and vocals which fit well into the overall theme. “Memories” is based on the Kim Wilde tune Cambodia and with the added lento elements it is one of the best tracks on this CD.

This is a great compilation as the originality of the tracks keeps the listener entertained throughout the CD. The arrangement is particularly well done; instead of similar songs being grouped together, the different styles are allowed to interweave. Because of how the songs fit together, the CD should be listened to as a whole to get the whole impact of lento at its best. Without exception, the tracks are extremely well written and the themes are memorable. There is just enough variety in the sound effects and melody & tempo changes to keep them from being boring even after listening to the CD for the twentieth time. In addition, there is no bizarre sound experimentation of the sort that can be found on other lento collections. The Platinum Edition has been the best Movimento release to date and is a must have for lento listeners. Based on personal experience I can say that even non lento fans will enjoy this CD.


Vanni G original CD/Vinyl collection count: 114

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DJ Maldestra
DJ Maldestra's picture
March, 2008

A fine review.
Just one thing.
Andrea have you actually heard Memories? It has nothing to do with Brothers' song of the same name.
It's a song made on the music from Cambodia by Kim Wilde, but with Thomas and Carlo's (and Manuel's?) own lyric.


Gigi D'Agostino lives:

02/03-2007 The Plaze (Nykøbing Falster, DK)
27/09-2007 Diskotek IN (København, DK)
28/09-2007 Paddy's Club (Horsens, DK)
31/10-2008 Centrale Del Latte (Cremona, IT)
24/07-2009 Altromondo Studios (Rimini, IT)
31/10-2010 Centrale Del Latte (Cremona, IT)
31/12-2011 East Ends Studio (Milano, IT)
01/11-2013 Goldener Pflug (Altenburg, DE)
31/12-2014 Discoteca Le Rotonde (Garlasco, IT)


Würden's picture
September, 2006

DJ Maldestra wrote:
A fine review. Just one thing. Andrea have you actually heard Memories? It has nothing to do with Brothers' song of the same name. It's a song made on the music from Cambodia by Kim Wilde, but with Thomas and Carlo's (and Manuel's?) own lyric.
Hehe it's one of those errors I didn't gave a thought before posting, you are right and I corrected it, I'm not exactly sure why Andrea thought it sounded like the Brothers tune, but no harm done Smile


Vanni G original CD/Vinyl collection count: 114

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ADADoerner's picture
July, 2010

I got my Brothers tones mixed up. I meant Memories sounded like "This Is" (which also uses the same melodie as Cambodia). Puzzled

Wausti's picture
June, 2006

Very nice, Andrea Laughing out loud

Würden's picture
September, 2006

I just got the CD yesterday - And I must say that I completely agree with the rating, this must be the best in the movimentolento series!


Vanni G original CD/Vinyl collection count: 114

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ADADoerner's picture
July, 2010

It's about time you got it. Laughing out loud

Würden's picture
September, 2006

Well yeah your review kinda inspired me Tongue


Vanni G original CD/Vinyl collection count: 114

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