Genre: Italodance
Label: ARC Records
Type of media: CD-R
Bought at:
Reviewed by: Christopher von Würden
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Dominik Cydlik and Antonio Caboni better known as C.Y.T. and DJ Zulan finally laid down the last barrier in their collaboration and took it to the fullest with C.Y.T. as singer instead of Jelya, the vocal on other DJ Zulan productions. As always from ARC Records, owned and run by C.Y.T. and partner Roland Binder, this release also includes a bunch of well produced remixes.
The single includes remixes from DJ Gio, Luna Felix and Disc Jockeyz, Partytrooperz and Sun Kidz.
The original version is produced by DJ Zulan and C.Y.T. where the lyrics are both written and sung by C.Y.T. Unlike previous productions from DJ Zulan, C.Y.T. has managed to help him to get rid of the cheap sound he had so it now sounds very professionally made. I liked previous Zulan singles but mostly in their remix versions, now an original version also got a more prominent place on my shelf.
The vocals are a matter of taste, it is easy to hear that C.Y.T. was not born a great tenor but on the other hand he is far better than Jelya and at least the sound quality is good, overall all in the better half of the legue.
DJ Gio also made a very capable remix. It is closer to the original version than necessarily, where are those beep-sounds Gio normally uses? A good remix but lacks some personality, well produced, however.
Brian Sanders or Disc Jockeyz or Luna Felix - yes he made 2 remix versions under 2 different names for this single. Disc Jockeyz are well known for their singles My Italia and Little Queen in a style inspired by Roberto Molinaro and the Mantero project Camelot. The style of the Disc Jockeyz remix is modern German Dance, or Hard Dance if you will, if I did not know any better I would think this was a Sander remix (not Sanders), one of the common remixers on ARC-Records. The bass line is very equal to Sander's though the chorus synthesizer part sounds more like the Hitmen. Not a cup of tea for ears like mine, but surely interesting for those who like hard dance.
The Luna Felix remix, however, is a lot more interesting for my soft and fragile ears. Like the DJ Gio remix it lacks a little personality, here the more Trancy-italo sound Brian used in the past would be interesting to have, but still a very capable remix. You are on secure ground with this style.
The last 2 remixes from Partytrooperz and Sun Kidz are Hard Dance/Trance, so I will not be going in detail with these but check them out if you like the German style.
I think no one is hurt by saying this release is based on very solid ground. There is nothing new, not much experimentation and the italo remixes are probably even interesting for those who normally listens other dance or trance styles. One thing that is very positive is the fact that this is a pure dance release. You are free of all those cheap electro-mixes singles like these normally throw at you. Even though the vocal is not that varied, it works well and the production and sound quality is high. It is not the next Blue but certainly a single I will be listening the next couple of weeks and most certainly worth buying.
Agreed ! Been some time since i've liked an italo release ! The professional production is something that i've missed !!
Will definitely be on my mp3 for several weeks ! and that little cut-off on the bass at the very beggining is AWESOME. I Like the weird sound it makes