EXACTLY!! how nasty you are Mr Waust !!
[DONE] Italo Party @ CFE's Summerhouse
I ***ing love that ping pong dance move, hahaha. Thats the best one i've seen
the pics were very nice hahaa you made me smile a lot
Funny pics, especially thoose "pølse"-pics.
We're happy you liked them... it took alot of timing and effort to take those pics
yeah, but it was worth it
Thomas has kind of a fetisch with picture series lol
Yeah its them forbidden moves
They rule the world
Next SHP video is up :
Enjoy folkes!..
really nice video:D
Nice video again
is a rox!
only one more to go
No no this is only the begining
Very good video again!! The first part of the video it's so cool!
DAMN i miss S.H.P!!!
As soon as the sun comes back and you can stay outside without freezing to death we'll throw another S.H.P. party
and i will start thinking about the next layout to S.H.P vol. 02 poster
haha oh yea.. but with videos of SHP09
Yes oK
Final footage of SHP -2009 is here..
hope to see you all again at SHP 2010
remember to watch in HD
Oh yeah nice video - We will start building a new house in November
Especially the ones with Pølse I guess