Hey Everyone, it's finally here, the (long?)awaited Italodance video podcast is coming sooner than you think !
But what is a podcast?. A podcast is a periodic (daily, weekly, monthly) video/audio log. It brings you news about whatever you want.
So, what is the ItaloPod. ItaloPod is a video podcast talking about italodance of course! You'll see all the news about italodance, some reviews, some video clips, some exclusive promos etc.. lot of things to come !
You can already check the site http://www.italopod.infos.st (no definitive domain). There's a trailer already available and the first video log of the blog will be released on Saturday !
But Italopod must be something builded by italodance members ! Because the interest of this podcast is to be in multiple languages, to spread the italodance throught the world better !
That's why i'm looking for 2 translators ! and Italian Translator and a Spanish one. Don't worry you'll be thanks in a special way . Just contact me @ [email protected]
I'm also looking for an html/css or even a PHP coder for making the final site ! The first page is actually workings thanks to Seb (from italodanceportal.com) and I'm sending him again all my thanks !
Anyway, let's go directly to the interesting part, The blog URL :
and of course, the little teaser !
Thanks again for reading and spreading the word !
for any contact : [email protected]
:eek: WARNiNG!! DO NOT DO IT!!
Great LuckY! looking forward to see how it works!