Yep now he's here again
Saturday the 1st of December at The Plaze in Nykøbing F.
Tickets are 100DKK and the doors will open 22 o'clock.
Who is fresh?
I'm considering driving down there from Copenhagen if anybody wants to join me
Yep now he's here again
Saturday the 1st of December at The Plaze in Nykøbing F.
Tickets are 100DKK and the doors will open 22 o'clock.
Who is fresh?
I'm considering driving down there from Copenhagen if anybody wants to join me
I think I'm fresh too.. but let's see what happens!
Gabry has to be seen
Hehe IDP trip
I've seen him 2 times before and he is G-R-E-A-T!!
hahaha have fun guys
i can't come, i have a big trance party then!!!!
will be great aswell
It could be great to see him aging. maybe i could take a seat in your car CFE. but if i can get more whit me. i take the train.
#6 Sure would be happy to drive with you. You live on the way down there anyway
My tickets are ordered. I will be teaming up with CFE on saturday for a crazy party night. DJ McW and Italian Rockaz should join
Still waiting for McW's reply
The car is packed and ready with full functioning entertainment system
Well Chris the car wasn't exactly ready now was it??
Anyway was a great night guys. I would do it again tomorrow. Thanks to CFE (especially for having me over), McW & Italian Rockaz. Now where are my crutches...
hahahahaha!!! - I enjoyed it too Great show by Gabry da Ponte!
It's not my fault that the car runs out of battery during one night
It's those stupid Swedes who built the alarm system fault
We still haven't solved Seb's ticket mystery
D'oh! so it was in your jacket?
That's correct, one of the inner pockets.
haha I did ask you to check all the pockets but did you do it NO WAY
and what can we learn from that.. don't drink yourself plastered in jägermeister before you're in
but at least you got a souvenir now
huauhahuauh!!! Seb Seb Seb
Haha Seb thats so big that you have it on you. Me and Mario was just cracking our self to the grund Thaks for a great night too guys ...
I don't like lessons where you learn to drink less. I'd say Chris, that you learned not to give me such important stuff on beforehand. We'll keep that in mind for next time. ;)
Souvenirs are always welcome.
Hehe I have indeed learned my lesson aswell
I will not leave anything to you next time
I see you had a great time with Gabry I wanna see him live too! Hope that'll happen
Just come to Denmark Frangie it's only 800km
Maybe if I have my drivers license and a car By plane/train is a bit too expensive I think
one week after... :(
Now I am really curious what you did that night Seb Losing tickets en bruising your foot...
You don't wanna know...
I'm fresh!!
But this time I won't say too much before it's getting close because I just disappoint myself and other people.