Dany Valenziano

Dany Valenziano

Dany Valenziano was born on 17 April 1981.

Since the age of 7 years, where he showed his great love for music started playing the first notes on a keyboard for Christmas.

When he is about 13 years old he approaches the world of nightclubs, attracted by the dj figure.

It started almost as a joke, playing at some private parties, and the turning point comes when he one night meets the siciilian dj Toty Caruso, who, share the same great passion as Dany. Toty recommends a place among the staff of the local radio station Radio CRM Happy as in charge of the dance "Top 20 Mix".

Dany decides to go further, and in 2004 he does it by creating the notes of the summer-hit "4ever" sung by Mr. Konrad and printed by the label New Music International. 

He joins together with Toty, the staff of Disco Planet Records, creating the Lento Violento project Blackout DJs and makes with him many remixes of DJ Sanny J, realizing also "Coming Back To You" a co-production between Dany, Sanny J and one of the most beautiful male voices of Italo Dance, Luca Zeta.

That was the style of Dany until the end of 2006, when fascinated by the sounds of Elektro House decided to give it a try.

Discography: Discogs

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