Interview with MARCO MARZI [TOPDJ Team]
Interview with MARCO MARZI [TOPDJ Team]
When and why did you begin to produce music?
I started to produce as a team in 2000, but the first official dance release
was START NOISE – YMDJ in 2004! but in a first time we released the promo song that you can listen on Radio IDN: MOHIKANS, then in 2005 LITTLE GIRL.....
In this way we decided to work as dance producers.
What music styles are you listening to other than what you produce?
I like all the dance music, but especially Italodance....
The kind of music that we produce!!
Who is/are you favorite artist(s)?
Gigi d'Agostino, Gabry Ponte, Molinaro, Provenzano, Prezioso and many more
What do you think is the future for Italo Dance music?
The biggest part of discos, and dance radios today play house and electro music ... we not like very much this kind of music !!!
We continue to produce and play ITALODANCE music in radio and disco, because we are sure that "DANCE WILL NEVER DIE"... and will return
at number one!!!
What do you like to do on your spare time?
We work all the week in the "Topdj Dance Studio" and
in the weekend we are working in we
don't have many spare time!!
What are your plans for the future? style, project etc...?
produce dance music!!!
What news can you reveal for us about your future productions?
The new Start Noise, the new singles of THUNDER - Deep inside
(more different than the first...but again dance)
A new italodance project called DANCE MAKERS – STAY WITH YOU!!
Especially STAY WITH YOU will be on the soundtrack of an italian
film entitled IO NON CREDO NELL’ AMORE (in english... I DON’T BELIEVE IN LOVE)!
Last, there will be some other news about our team of dance production like
the video of DANCE MAKERS and other new dance releases for the summer!! You can see all of us on our website
Interesting too see what the Top DJ team can come up with in the near future!
Thanks for the interview!
Great Interview with good answers. Good that some artists believe in italodance and continue with it!
I Think Alot Of People Buy Italodance
...If You Compare How Many Knows About It